Turning into a right aul Diva- Olive Green Head Wrap

Once again Turban Diva brings a little style back into my life. I can always count on the head scarfs to be comfortable, durable and tasteful. I tend to go for the same style each time; the one piece head wrap made of rayon and spandex. Once or twice I have left the house and turned back because I thought I forgot to put my head scarf on only to realise I already had it on. It may be a mixture of being a dope and chemo brain but it just shows how breathable and truly comfortable they are. Since I bought my first head piece from Turban Diva I haven’t even attempted to wear anything else. Looking back I don’t know how I managed to wear normal scarfs tied up. I suppose I didn’t realise what true comfort was until I bought my first head scarf from this company. I get a lot of compliments about how I style my head scarfs but honestly it is just because they are so easy to work with.  Each time you can design it different ways, depending on how adventurous you are feeling.

olive turban

My friend Emma who lives in Boston came home for Christmas so I got my last purchase delivered to her house because it is free shipping to the U.S. They are $50 a pop so you want to save where you can. If you are capable of doing it this way too I recommend it. Best $50 ever spent! Trust me I know what it feels like to have a head scarf knot slipping off, burning up with the heat, walking like a robot in case it falls off. It’s not a nice feeling to have this added to your list of worries. You want to be able to throw your head scarf on in two minutes before you run out the door and not see it as a burden each time you leave the house.

This time I bought an olive colour head piece. I love the colour, it doesn’t make me look washed out which I fear when the aul Haemoglobin is low and I am looking a little pale. It goes with a lot of colours and doesn’t draw too much attention because you know me, I hate attention (yeah right).


olive turban 2 olive turban 3



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