You take so many things for granted because you lead a hectic life and everybody has their own agenda. When things go wobbly due to a cancer diagnosis, your sense of direction and purpose is greatly questioned. Well it was for me anyway. It was hard thing to get around, going from being a super active woman with five minutes to spare here and there to a couch bound bald potato head. I was the living definition of a potato couch. Family were there every step of the way but there will always be a void there that only friends can fill and my friends did a fantastic job of filling that void during the last year. From the first moments of my illness they were there. From waiting in A&E with me that very first faithful day to visiting me without fail every hospital stay I could count on them, and especially rely on them to bring unlimited entertainment, goodies and I think there was an occasional Chinese in there too. I remember once sitting with my two best friends that I live with in Dublin. Three of us setting up a little date around my bedside table yapping and laughing until it got too late and we were afraid they’d get kicked out. I am so lucky to have great friends, ranging from childhood to college and work friends. They make you feel normal again. When I felt well they would always have things planned for me or always texting me to arrange something. Whether it was a spa day where we lie in the pool for hours, dinner in the local pub or even a good aul girly sleepover (Ruth I’m talking to you ha). They all had the patience of a saint and tried with great compassion to understand what I was going through, even though they all repeated and repeated that they could never truly. They wouldn’t press me if it took a few days to text back and if I was a bit grouchy (which may have happened on a few occasions) they didn’t mind and knew it would pass over.
When life gets tough you can really see who is there for you but luckily enough everyone I love stepped up to the mark and showed me how truly kind and thoughtful they are. My friend Danny brought me in a fabulous Avoca blankie and it made my hospital stays that much better, we would always chat about what country we were going to visit next and nights out we were sure to have in the future. Aisling and Tracey I can’t talk about enough because they are the most selfless creatures I have ever come across, there for me every single step of the way and the first I go to about anything. Gillian would always be picking me up little perfumes and goodies to make things that much easier and she was only ever a text away. My main man Luke is so calm and collect, no matter what situation he would give me sound advice and always made me feel reassured. Kevin always kept me laughing with his tales and hilarious sense of humour. I remember once my sister had organised a secret night out for me with all my Dublin friends but of course I ended up in hospital that weekend with a low immune system. So instead Ruth, Sarah and Nashwa came into me into the hospital with an amazing scrapbook of our college years and we had the ‘lols’ for hours and hours in the hospital. Emma in Boston is constantly checking in and making sure I was okay, coming into me the minute she got home for her Christmas holidays. Even friends I have encountered on my travels to Sweden, without fail I will hear from them and are always making plans to meet as soon as possible.
Without these people life would be an awfully boring place. They brought laughter into my life in a time where doom was a constant companion. I can’t thank them enough but as long as they know that I will always be there for them.