Crazy Sexy Cancer Survivor

When dealing with the emotional side of cancer I was sure I had it under control, on my own little roller-coaster handling each turn and loop as it approached. Therefore any help was unnecessary and a waste of time in my opinion. Ah such an Irish way to handle it. So when a friend gave me a book called ‘Crazy Sexy Cancer Survivor’ I predicted it would sit on my shelf and gather dust. I couldn’t have been more wrong. One evening it was absolutely Baltic outside and the only answer was the couch, fire and a book. I opened a random page of my new book to have a quick gawk and I could not put it down. Alas, it sparked the beginning of my real emotional journey.

Kris Carr was diagnosed with an incurable form of sarcoma in 2003, the only saving grace being that it is slow-moving. After the immense shock of being diagnosed with a stage IV rare cancer at thirty one she pulled up her socks, shrugged the fear off her shoulders and picked up her camera. She documented her journey which depicted her upbeat positive free personality. She is extremely unwilling to let cancer define her and persists in tapping into the creative, beautiful and invigorating elements of herself. What could have been a powerless situation was transformed into a willingness to survive and resulted in a film ‘Crazy Sexy Cancer’, two books ‘Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips’ and ‘Crazy Sexy Cancer Survivor’ and even food related books ‘Crazy Sexy Kitchen’ and ‘Crazy Sexy Juice’.

So there I was, a random page opened and in the one paragraph I read I was hooked. I scrambled back through the pages quickly to the start of the book, eager to learn more about this ‘cancer cowgirl’. I thought I had a fair grasp at my reality but Kris brings a whole new light to our predicaments. She talks about owning cancer and not letting cancer own you. From day one you have the ability to take charge of your situation and rock the s**t out of it. Living life and embracing this as an opportunity is her secret of survival and enhancement. She states, “What if you could shift your perception and come to understand the big C not as the stereotypical death sentence but as a chance- to learn, to dive deep, to grow and smash stigmas, to truly live life”.

Throughout this workbook she covers topics related to diagnosis, mind, body and spirituality. This book is referred to as a workbook because she allows space for the reader to become creative with different exercises intended to open the mind to see all the possibilities that come with the territory. It is a follow on from ‘Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips’, which I fully intend on getting a.s.a.p.

It is really calming to read something that you can completely relate to and doesn’t scare the bejaysus out of you (unrelated tip: never ever google your cancer, imminent death is only ever the answer). I found myself laughing at some stories as I had the exact same experience the previous day, and crying at other parts for the same reason. It really evokes emotion but in a good way. It’s a complete enlightening, zen intense read. At times I admit it can be a little too American preppy ‘everything is possible’ but that can be overlooked due to her general wit and humour. Kris is thriving and if I can take a page out of her book (pun intended) I will. You will see me any day on the top of Preban hill in my Buddha outfit, bald head shining and doing my meditation, with a few Hail Mary’s thrown in there too.

The Crazy Sexy Cancer books can be bought in Easons for around €17.70.


crazy sexy cancer survivor


  1. Brilliant you found the book great. I have to say though your writing is fantastic, who knew!!

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