Knitting like a Knutter

Preventing your mind from entering that prohibited ‘what if’ world means keeping yourself busy. In a hospital ward for five days at a time constantly connected to a drip and restricted to one corner can mean there is not a lot to do. There is only so much Chicago Fire and hot firemen you can watch (well?) before your mind turns to mush.

When I was first in hospital back in June I asked my friends to bring me in wool and knitting needles. My nurse sat with me for half an hour and showed me the basics. From there my sisters and aunty would all teach me and finally I got the hang of it, obviously after a few frustrating moments of throwing the wool against the wall. As much of a granny I sound it was really cool to learn something new. It keeps my mind and hands busy. It’s not a hurl but it will do for now. Most importantly it keeps me from being on my phone and social media constantly, which I think is something that should be avoided to keep the head in the game.

Having too much idle time means having too much time to think. When you are in my position or one similar you can feel like you are holding the weight of the world on your shoulders. To relieve that pressure, focus on something small and positive. It can be something easy like crocheting, read a book to leave your own reality for a few minutes, podcasts are also a great way to leave your own troubles aside for a little while. There are so many things that I want to try soon such flower arranging, something I would never have the time for before.

I really suggested picking up a new hobby. All I can do is knit in a straight line but I have sooo many scarfs now I have so many options to keep warm and plus was a great way to make little gifts for people. Everyone got scarfs for Christmas from me. Happy Xmas From The Tight-Arse.



One Comment

  1. Can’t wait for mine!! Heehee

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