Project Happy Sarah 2.0

In the days leading up to my doctors appointment my ‘scanxiety’ was running high. I would wake up every morning, lie there for perhaps five minutes or maybe 5 hours and just visualise and dream of what I wanted from my life. Very deep I understand but when things are upside down you will be so surprised where your thought process leads you to. So I was trying the power of positive thinking and all that shamazzle. Thinking wasn’t enough for me though because at times there is so much going on up there it’s hard to separate the crap from the gold. I needed to see what I want, to be able to put my hand out and practically grab it.

I had heard in passing a lot about vision boards and putting an image of what you want in front of your eyes. This creates a sense of motivation to get your desired item, whether it is a new car, job or health. Passing by your vision board each day will create a manifestation of will power to complete the task to get what you want. Not saying that you put a picture of a BMW and the next morning there is one outside with a lovely bow on it. Seeing a picture of a BMW may help you make little changes and stride towards getting it, be it working harder and earning a little more or cutting back on other needless expenses. Where there’s a will there’s a way.

vision board

I wake up each morning and first thing I see is my vision board. That means I start each morning with my intentions brutally set in my mind. It dissolves any confusion and lets me see straight on what I want and what I need to change in my life. It gives me that little bit of determination to be the very best version of myself I can be. I get the chance to be Sarah 2.0 and I am not going to ruin whatever opportunity I have at excelling at it. For example I have a picture of a county camogie player up there. When I see that image it doesn’t mean I have to collapse in the field trying to run but that I could get out and maybe a walk an extra two/three minutes or stretch a little further in pilates. Realistic steps it must be, but steps in the right direction are as important as anything.

Get your scissors and pritt stick out and get going!

project happy

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