I am an inpatient during my cycles, so that means a three day stay in hospital every three weeks. It nearly becomes your second home as you meet the same nurses and patients each time. I am learning quickly what to pack each time to make the experience a little better. So as I go along I will update this blog to let ye know of little things I find comfort in. So far I never come without:
1. New p.j’s every time- nothing like a shower, new p.j’s and fresh sheets. I have started my own little habit of buying new sleeping gear each time I go in. There are lovely bits in Dunne’s and at a decent price. I also bought a lovely dressing gown with a hood and zip, so so cosy.
2. Sleeping cap- Nobody prepares you for the chill that creeps upon your baldy head, its bleedin freezing. My mam bought me a sleeping cap so at night time I look like I’m going to swim a few lengths rather than sleep. But it is really cosy and protects you from any chill that may cause you to get snuffly. It was bought at hairloss.ie . Versacchi is a company that provides men and women suffering from alopecia or chemo induced hair loss with positive options, including wig and hair piece services, CTR hair replacements and a great range of head scarfs turbans etc. The head gear is really affordable.
3. Entertainment- never let yourself go short of entertainment. I don’t know how patients managed staying in hospital in the old days without WiFi or Netflix. I have my Samsung Galaxy Tab at hand and a few books also. I have also recently started listening to audio books. They are so relaxing when you just want to lie there and get engrossed in something. Join your local library and you will get access to countless books and audiobooks on your phone app.
4. Comfy clothes- this leopard print pants looks atrocious I know but they are soooo comfy and remind me of such fun times. During the summer at a music festival in Sweden, three friends and I got these ridiculous matching pants. They looked so attractive on the guys…yeh sure.
5. Hair Straightner- Joooooking
6. Block out the world- Ear plugs and sleeping masks are a must if you want a peaceful night’s sleep. Snorers should all be made sleep in one ward.
7. A little something to give you hope- My sister Catriona nearly sent me to tears one day when she gave me a present; my Daddy’s 1976 football championship medal on a chain. I wear it wherever I go and know there is always a piece of him with me.
8. A little torch- okay I feel like one of the Famous Five with this little pocket torch. It’s just so handy if you want to find something and too lazy to reach over to turn the light on.
9. Fluffy socks- can’t get enough fluffy socks. My feet get really cold during treatment for some strange reason.
10. Knitting- a new found hobby of mine. It is so therapeutic (as long as it’s going good, otherwise Aunty Mausie to the rescue). At the minute I can only knit in a straight line so everybody is getting scarfs this Christmas.
11. Bum bag- I’m going to bring these back into fashion. So practical oh my god. If you are popping down to shop and might be attached to a drip and you don’t have the hands to carry a million things. BOOM everything in the handy bum bag. I bought mine in New Look for €14.99.
12. A pair of SleepPhones- a new pair of earphones that just arrived today so I am trying them out and will let you know in a separate blog dedicated to just these. The last hospital visit I found it so difficult to get comfy lying on hard ear phones. After research we found these SleepPhones, earphones incorporated into a headband for enhanced comfort. I shall decide on that!
Loving all the work you’re putting into this, making it all look easy as you do with everything. Top class writing (hilarious- though I’m not surprised!). You’ll rock the sleeping cap/ tiger pant combo as only you could. So proud of you, keep up the good work!
Is that my hair straightener ?
You have me in tears of laughter,you are just amazing☺
You are amazing Sarah! Love your website!
Let us know how the SleepPhones go – I’m really curious about them as it is so hard to lie down with ear phones!
Sarah you have me in stitches haha. If your looking for a good thing to listen to you should check out the PodCast Serial! 12 episodes in season 1 and you ll be hooked. I couldn’t stop listening once i started xxx